It is estimated that the average adult makes 35,000 decisions in one day.
Some are simple.
What should I eat for lunch?
Others are more complicated.
Do I move forward in this relationship?
But there is one decision you can make today that will be the most important of the 35,000 you will make. And it will impact you every single day, for the rest of your life.
Perhaps you are looking for peace.
Maybe you realize that your life is marked by insecurities, shame and guilt over your failures.
Maybe you are feeling stuck at a dead end with nowhere to go and no one to turn to.
All of that is summed up in one word:
It’s the one disease that plagues the entire human race.
The good news is that there is an answer for your sin: Jesus.
The decision to accept Jesus Christ is simple but life-altering.
It is admitting that you are a sinner, that your life is not perfect and that you don’t have the answers on your own to make it work. The Bible says that we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Without God, we live lives that lack direction, meaning and purpose. And the Bible says that the end will be eternity separated from God.
But through Jesus, God made a way (John 3:16). Through his death on the cross you and I are offered the certainty that we will be in heaven with God. Even more, you also get God’s help so you can navigate through the challenges you face every single day.
The challenges of single life, holding your marriage together, raising children, loving others, forgiving yourself and finding joy that lasts beyond a moment.
If you are ready to make that decision all you have to do is
ADMIT that you are a sinner, BELIEVE that God sent Jesus Christ to die on the Cross for your sins and make the decision to COMMIT to Jesus as the one who is in charge of your life.
If you are ready to take that next step, congratulations.
Today you made the one decision that will change the rest of your life.
And now you have God’s help with the other 34,999.
If you said YES to Jesus or maybe you have some questions, we’d love to know!