Christmas Eve Service

Bring your family to celebrate the birth of Christ with us on Christmas Eve!

Tuesday, December 24, at 6pm

Banning - 4024 W Wilson St, Banning, CA 92220

Rialto - 2759 N. Ayala Drive, Rialto CA 92377

Upland - 814 Alpine St, Upland, CA 91786

Victorville - 13495 Arrowhead Dr, Victorville, CA 92395 

Christmas Day Service

Join us for a casual and family friendly service on Christmas Day!

Wednesday, December 25th at 10am

Rialto Campus only  

2759 N. Ayala Drive, Rialto CA 92377

Our pre-recorded Christmas Concert will be available to watch online on Christmas Day. 

Christmas Tree Farm

Get your tree this season from Sunrise Church and support our Here to Stay initiative!

December 1st, 8th and 15th after services*

Rialto Campus - 2759 N Ayala Drive, Rialto CA 923677

*while supplies last