SG Questions - REEL FAITH

June 1, 2024 12:36 PM
Scroll down to find discussion questions for each campus teaching.



Lean In:
  • Without disclosing names, describe someone who has been a difficult person for you to show love to?
Look Out:
  • What are ways culture makes living in “community” difficult? 
Look Down & In: How to Love Difficult People
  • What are the dangers of not practicing self-control in our responses to people who frustrate us?
  • READ PROVERBS 29:11 and JAMES 1:26 - What stands out to you? 
    • What encourages you? 
    • Anything convict you?
  • Share about a time when someone demonstrated BOTH compassion AND Truth toward you in a time of need.
  • What is a practical way you can show both compassion and truth to a difficult person in your life?
    • Why is it important to know what kind of care a person needs instead of just a “one size fits all” approach? 
  • READ 1 THESSALONIANS 5:14-22 - What stands out? 
  • What encourages you? 
  • Anything convict you?
  • What are ways you have seen people compromise their faith in the name of “caring for someone”? 
  • When you think about people you know who are not living for God, in what specific ways can you care for them without compromising your faith? 
  1. Share the BURDEN With Other BELIEVERS
    • What is dangerous about bearing burdens alone?
  • READ: 1 CORINTHIANS 12:25, COLOSSIANS 3:16, 1 THESSALONIANS 4:18, JAMES 5:16 and GALATIANS 6:2 - What stands out in these verses? 
  • What encourages you? 
  • Anything convict you?
  • How have you seen the power of community in your life?
  • What is one specific way you can deepen your dependence on others with regard to burdens you are carrying for others. 
  • Take the remaining time to pray for the specific burdens of one another. 



Lean In:
  • If you could develop a “perfect” neighborhood community, where would it be? Who would live in it? What would it look like?
Look Out:
  • How do world religions seek to set their followers apart from the rest of the world?
Look Down: READ John 17:15-18
  1. What stands out to you from these verses and/or the weekend message?
  2. Weekend Bottom Line = We are not OF the WORLD, but we are SENT INTO the world
    • What is the difference between living in isolation and living on mission?
    • What are the fears some Christians face about being “sent into the world”?
Look In: 
  1. Move from APATHY to EMPATHY
  • How do you define and describe empathy? 
  • READ GALATIANS 6:2 - What stands out? Encourages? Convicts?
  • How can looking at the world around you with empathy impact the way you view and respond to others who are not like you?
  • What is one specific thing you can do to move from apathy to empathy? 
  1. Beware of EXTERNAL and INTERNAL sin
  • What is dangerous about living in secret sin that only seems to affect you? 
  • READ ROMANS 7:18-20 - What stands out? Encourages you? Convicts you?
  • What justifications have you seen or heard from people who are living a life that is contrary to God’s Word but still believe it is ok?
  • What is one specific thing you can do to deal with the internal sin struggles in your life? 
  1. Face your FEARS With COURAGE
  • What are some of the fears you have when it comes to sharing and living out your faith?
  • READ JOSHUA 1:9 - What stands out? Encourages you? Convicts you?
  • Share about a time you left your comfort zone to share your faith with someone. 
    • How did God give you confidence beyond what you thought possible?
  • What is one specific thing you can do to become more courageous in your faith?



Lean In:
  • If you had the power to change the lives (for the better) of anyone in the world, who would it be and what would you do?
Look Out:
  • What world religions/cults do you know of that put a big emphasis on guilt and/or “righting your wrongs?”
  1. Redemption is Received through REPENTANCE not through PENANCE
  • What have you either done or seen others do to try and win the approval and acceptance of God?
  • What is the difference between being a “good person” without Christ and being a “good person” because of Christ?
  • READ PHILIPPIANS 3:1-9 - What stands out? Encourages you? Convicts you?
  • Are there areas of life where you are striving for God’s approval/redemption? 
  • How does considering “personal gains” a “loss for the sake of Christ” impact the way you make decisions and what you value?
  1. Righteousness is Found Through FAITH IN JESUS, not through FAITH IN OURSELVES
  • What dangers are there in trying to be righteous in our thoughts, actions and relationships apart from the power of Jesus?
  • READ ROMANS 3:10-12 - What stands out? Inspires you? Convicts you?
  • How have you experienced the power of the Spirit at work in you to change your thoughts, actions and relationships?
  • Is there an area of your life where you are trying to achieve victory in your own strength instead of the power of the Holy Spirit? 
  1. Our Works Should be Driven by GRACE not by GUILT
  • How can guilt and shame keep us from experiencing the life God wants for us?
  • READ ROMANS 5:6-8 - What stands out? Encourages you? Convicts you?
  • How have you experienced the difference between living out of grace vs. living out of guilt?
  • What truth would you share with someone struggling with guilt over their past?



Lean In:
  • What is your favorite superhero movie? Why?
Look Out:
  • When you think of the idea of a “spiritual battle” taking place in our world, what images and thoughts come to mind? 
Look Down:

  • READ John 10:10-11 & Ephesians 6:10-12
    • What stands out to you from these verses and/or the weekend message?
    • How do these verses impact the way you think about spiritual battles and the way you view the things going on in the world?
  1. COUNT the COST
  • Have you ever experienced any level of persecution or negative responses because of your faith?
  • READ MATTHEW 16:15-21 - What stands out? Encourages? Confuses you?
  • When you think about standing up for your faith, what makes you afraid?
  • Share about a time you took a risk and shared or stood up for your faith?
  • What step can you take to be more bold in engaging spiritual battles around you? 
    • What are the dangers of engaging in spiritual battle without having a connected relationship with Christ?
  • READ 1 PETER 2:9-11 -  What stands out? What encourages?
    • How would you say you are doing with what God calls you to do here?
  • In what specific ways can you be more connected in relationship with Christ?
  • What would be the dangers of trying to engage in a spiritual battle alone?
  • READ PROVERBS 27:17 - What are the benefits of intentionally having people in your life to encourage and strengthen you?
  • What are specific ways to deepen your Christian friendships in a way that would help prepare you for spiritual battle?



Lean In:
  • What were some of your childhood hopes and dreams?
Look Out:
  • What “worldly wisdom” is offered by culture about dealing with past pain and trauma?
Look Down:

  • READ Genesis 45:1-28
  • What stands out from these verses and/or the weekend message?
    • What encourages you? Convicts you? Confuses you?
Look In: How to Experience the Freedom of Forgiveness
  1. Be HONEST with Your HURT
    • What words or actions of others trigger past hurts in your life? 
    • Have you forgiven the person or people involved in your past hurts? 
      • If so, what did that forgiveness look like? 
      • If not, what keeps you from forgiving them?
  • READ Matthew 18:21-22 - What stands out?
  • What does it look like to forgive while still setting boundaries? 
  1. RECONCILE with Your PAST
    • Looking back on your life, are any regrets preventing you from living in freedom?
  • READ LUKE 18:12-14 - What stands out?
  • How does humility impact someone’s ability to reconcile their past?
  • What is one Truth you need to believe about your past? 
  1. When I RELEASE my Bitterness, I am RELEASED from Bitterness
    • Do any past or present relationships cause you current bitterness in your heart?
  • READ James 5:16 - What stands out?
  • Share about a time when choosing to forgive released you from bitterness
  • Is there anyone you are still unable to forgive? 
    • If so, spend time praying as a group about those relationships  

FATHER’S DAY MESSAGE - All Campuses on 6/16


Lean In:
  • What emotions, thoughts or feelings come to your mind and heart about “Father’s Day”?
Look Out:
  • According to culture, how are “real men” supposed to act or behave?
Look Down

  • READ 1 Samuel 30:1-19
    • What stands out to you from these verses and/or the weekend message?
    • What encourages you? Confuses you? Convicts you?
Look In: Spiritual Lessons from David
  1. PRACTICE Humility 
    • What is your response to the saying, “real men don’t cry”? 
    • Share about a time you saw pride get in the way of moving forward.
  • READ 2 Chronicles 7:14 - What stands out?
  • What does it look like to humble yourself?
  • What steps can you take to live in humility? 
  1. SEEK God for Direction 
  • Discuss the dangers of making major decisions without seeking God’s direction?
  • What obstacles keep people from seeking God’s direction in their life decisions?
  • READ Hebrews 11:1 - What stands out?
  • How does having trusting God’s character impact our willingness to seek His direction for our lives?
  • What steps can you take to seek God’s direction for your life?
  • Have you ever wanted to give up on something you were fighting for?
  • READ Ephesians 6:10-14 - What stands out?
  • Share about a time God strengthened you to fight through a battle you didn’t think you’d be able to make it through on your own?
  • Share and pray together about current struggles where you feel like your heart needs to be strengthened?



Lean In:
  • Share about a time you lost something and what you did to find it
Look Out:
  • What kinds of things would people search for the most if they were lost?
Look Down

  • READ Mark 2:1-17
      • What stands out to you from these verses and/or the weekend message?
      • What encourages you? Confuses you? Convicts you?
    Look In: 3 Ways to Reach YOUR World for Jesus
    • In what area of your life do you show the most tenacity? How and Why?
    • READ Romans 1:13-17 - What stands out?
    • On a scale of 1-5 how much time do you spend thinking about the spiritual condition of your friends, family, and other people in your life?
    • Discuss ways your group can be more intentional and bold about reaching out to those in your life who don’t have a relationship with Jesus
    • What personal resources can people use to reach out to those who are lost?
    • READ 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 - What stands out?
      • What do you think Paul means by “becoming all things?”
    • Share about a time when you left your comfort zone to connect with someone in the hopes of sharing God’s story with them
    • What, if any, resources do you struggle to share with others?
    • What resources have been shared with you to strengthen your trust in Jesus?
    • What does a transactional relationship look like? 
    • How does a relational approach differ from transactional?
    • READ 1 Thessalonians 2:3-12 - What stands out?
    • What does it mean to you to “share life together” with others?
    • Why do people struggle with deepening relationships with others?
    • Who has shared their life with you in the past?
    • What role did relationships play in you committing your life to following Jesus?


    Movie: BOOK OF ELI

    Lean In:
    • Would you say you have a good sense of direction? Do you like maps and finding all the different ways to get somewhere? 
    Look Out:
    • Apart from the Bible, what are some other “maps” people use to guide their lives?
    Look Down:

  • Read Psalm 119:105 & 129-133
  • What stands out from these verses and/or the weekend message?
  • What encourages you? Convicts you? Confuses you?
  • Look In: 4 Ways to Use God’s Word for Guidance
      • Share about a time you tried to get somewhere that you were unfamiliar with by memory. How did it turn out?
  • READ PSALM 119:97-98, & 148 - What stands out?
    • How can memorizing God’s Word help you in your daily life?
    • Are there verses that you memorized that have helped you?
    • What step can you take to prioritize memorizing God’s Word? 
    1. APPLY 
    • What’s the difference between knowing and being transformed by something?
    • READ Psalm 119:9-11 - What stands out?
    • Share about a time you applied something you knew to be True from the Bible
    • What are some barriers between knowing what is right and doing what is right?
    • What steps can you take to prioritize applying God’s Word to your life? 
    1. PRAY
      • How would you describe your prayer life? (What does praying look like for you? What do you pray most often about? How often do you pray? Etc.)
  • READ PSALM 119:33-37 - What stands out?
    • How can praying God’s Word help direct and focus your prayers? 
    • What steps can you take to prioritize praying God’s Word?
    1. SHARE
      • What types of things do people typically share and why?
  • READ PSALM 119:89-91 - What stands out?
    • What part do WE play in the endurance of God’s Word through all generations?
    • What steps can you take to prioritize sharing God’s Word?


    Movie: UP

    Lean In:
    • What comes to mind when you think about getting older?
    Look Out:
    • What values define a “well-lived or successful life” according to Western ideals? 
    • How are those values reinforced in pop culture (movies, TV, music, psychology, etc.)?
    Look Down:

  • READ John 10:10 - What stands out from this verse and/or the weekend message?
  • Look In: 8 Components of a FULL LIFE (According to the Bible)
    1. LOVE
      • Who are the people in your life you love?
  • READ 1 Corinthians 13:1-3,11-13 - What stands out?
    • How can you grow in your capacity to love the people God has placed in your life? 
    1. LOSS 
      • Share about someone or something you have lost in your life.
  • READ JOB 1:20-22 - What stands out to you? Encourages you? Convicts you?
    • How has God used loss to impact your life?
    • How do you see God’s working even amidst the pain of loss you’ve experienced? 
    • Share about a time in your life when you felt lonely.
    • READ PSALM 68:5-6 -  What stands out? What encourages you?
    • What are ways God can meet your needs when you experience loneliness? 
      1. LIFT
        • Share about a time when pride got in the way of moving forward.
  • READ 1 PETER 5:6-7 - What stands out?
        • How can you practice humility (in your relationships, job, etc)?
      1. LONGING
        • Fill in the blank: “If I could just have ___________, everything would be ok.”
  • READ PHILIPPIANS 3:18-20 - What stands out?
        • Share ways you can trust God to meet your needs regarding things you long for.
      1. LISTENING
        • What is the difference between “hearing” and “listening”?
  • READ JAMES 1:19-22 - What stands out?
      • Share specific ways to genuinely be a better listener in your relationships.
      • Do you have any regrets in your life that still haunt you?
      • READ PHILIPPIANS 3:12-14 - What stands out?
      • What are specific steps you can take to move forward from your regrets? 
    2. LEGACY
      • Share one sentence that expresses how you hope people will remember you
      • READ MATTHEW 6:19-20 - What stands out?
      • What are specific ways you can work toward the legacy you want to leave?