SG Questions - February 9

November 21, 2024 4:37 PM

God’s Plan, Pt 1 - 02/09/25

Lean In:
What pictures and ideas did you imagine, if any, when you thought of getting married one day?
Look Out:
What views does modern Western culture have about marriage? 
How do those views differ from your understanding of the Biblical view of marriage? 
Look Down: READ Matthew 2:4-25
What stands out in these verses or from the weekend message?
Look In: 
Responding to the Marital Covenants of Genesis 2:
1. Covenant of LEAVE: “That is why a man leaves his father and mother..”
  • What are some challenges couples face in prioritizing their spouse OVER other relationships in their life (parents, friends, kids, ex’s, etc.)
  • If married: What are specific steps you take to prioritize your spouse?
  • If not married: How can you help your married friends prioritize their marriages? 
2. Covenant of CLEAVE: “…and is united to his wife…”
  • On a scale of 1-10, how close do you feel to your spouse/partner in the following areas? (1=low, 10=high)
  • If these numbers are low, what are the factors contributing to those numbers?
  • If these numbers are high, what intentional decisions have you made to reach that level of closeness?
  • What is one thing YOU can do to strengthen the bond you have with your spouse or partner? 
3. Covenant of WEAVE: “And they become one flesh…”
READ 1 Corinthians 6:12-17 - What stands out? Convicts? Confuses? Inspires?
  • Married or unmarried, how can you honor God’s plan for sexuality/purity?
  • What obstacles keep you from following God’s plan for sexuality? 
  • Share one step you can take this week to be more aligned with God’s plan for sexuality/purity?
Look Ahead:
Click Here to stay connected throughout the week by participating in the Sunrise Reading Challenge to read through all 4 Gospels by Easter.