SG Questions – November 10

Bre Ulsh   -  

Joyride, Pt 2 – 11/10/24

Lean In:

  • Have you ever seen or met someone famous in person? Share about it.  

Look Out: 

  • In what ways does culture (entertainment, sports, TV, etc) validate power and fame as higher values than humility or integrity?

Look Down: READ Philippians 2:1-30

  • What stands out in these verses or from the weekend message? What encourages, challenges, convicts?

Look In: HUMILITY: Choosing to reflect glory off of me and onto Jesus 

How to find Joy in Humility:

  1. Joy does NOT come from giving myself A LOT, it DOES come from giving myself AWAY.
    • What are potential dangers of the cultural concept of “self-care” (taking care of yourself first above anyone else)?
    • Have you heard of or experienced someone walking away from their faith or from a relationship because they wanted to focus on “themselves”? 
    • READ PROVERBS 16:18: What stands out?
    • Share about a time you put someone else’s needs over your own. What kind of impact did it have on your life?
  2. Joy does NOT come from following IN WORD only, it DOES come from following HIS WORD only
  • What is the difference between working FOR your salvation and working OUT your salvation?
  • Re-READ PHILIPPIANS 2:12-13 – What stands out?
  • In what ways do you look more like Christ NOW than you did before you had a relationship with Christ?
  • Is there anything in your life you could be “working out” to look more like Christ? 
  1. Joy does NOT come from chasing after FAME, it DOES come from lifting up His NAME
  • How does social media contribute to people’s desire to make themselves look good? 
  • READ James 4:10: What stands out?
  • How can you intentionally practice humility in your relationships this week? 

Look Forward: 

  • Take time to pray specifically about your joy (or lack thereof). On a scale of 1-5 with ‘1” being the lowest, how high is your joy right now. Pray and ask God to help you in the area of humility in circumstances where you need more joy and more trust in God.